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  • A-CSM 国际Scrum联盟认证 ScrumMaster
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CSP直通车认证师Evelyn Tian视频 | CSP学员心得体会专辑

An Introduction to Scrum Alliance Certified Agile Coaching

“Evelyn老师是一位极富魅力的Scrum导师。我从ACSM时就跟Evelyn老师学习,也有幸参与了Evelyn老师ACSM课程的部分翻译工作,个人收获颇丰。在Evelyn 有意开中国第一期CSP课程时,就第一时间报名了。她在培训中循循善诱,引导学生思考、鼓励参与、建立自己对Scrum的认知体系。Evelyn在CSP课程中,会教授很多关于沟通、性格分析、教练技巧、组织变革、及领导力的实用模型,会有大量的互动与组队练习。Evelyn在课后像大姐姐一样,对我在组织中遇到的问题,提供了悉心的引导与帮助,让我受益匪浅!

——来自Zachary Liu,美得彼亚洲供应链总监


“去年跟着Evelyn老师学习了A-CSM和A-CSPO课程后,感觉很受用,于是毫不犹豫的报名了。学完这门课对我的启发很大,让我向AgileCoach更迈进了一步。这门课让我对Agile Coach的方法有了系统的了解,包括:7种变革模型、高绩效的教练技术、精益原理;课程采用互动讨论的方式,不仅结识了来自全国各地的同学,还能听到不同企业和行业的声音,让自己的思路有了扩展。几天的课程下来,Evelyn的讲课风格依旧,理论与实践可以进行完美的结合,通俗易懂的例子让学员更容易接受。总之,这门课让我受益匪浅,让我在通向Agile Coach的路上更近了一步。





George Wang, from China, our past A-CSM and CSP-SM graduate

“I hesitated a lot before the onlinesession as I preferred to have classroom sessions to have more interactionswith trainer and peers. The interaction was really beyond my expectation, the beauty of that is you can watch/learn as many times as you like and the well-designed homework made “forced” me to apply knowledge learnt through the program."


Kate Zheng, from China, our CSP-SM graduate

“Thank you Evelyn for the program, which was a great experience for me - a wonderful course and experience to learn and practice together with members from worldwide!

You helped us quickly adapt to the course and easily start to learn and master knowledge. I enjoyed the course and willdefinitely choose such courses from you again in future! 😊”

Suzan Bader, from UK, our past A-CSM and CSP-SM graduate

"I have participated in CSP-SM onlinewith Evelyn during November 2018. Beside the fact the Evelyn ability is secondto none where it comes to her style of running the course, communicating andexplaining the topic, I believe  actually participating in an onlinecourse is better and more productive as you get a record of all the sessionsalong side of course material that you can refer back to when you need torefresh your memory.

Having homework also is a great way ofconcentrating on the topic and as part of that doing extra research to bringthe topic life in your head  and in practice.

All in all Evelyn’s courses are the best experience I have had with Scrum courses or in fact any online courses so far."


Sanvid Bibawanekar, from Norway, our past A-CSM, and CSP-SM graduate

"Evelyn has designed the programs verycarefully, and each and every session was super interactive. It was reallygreat experience to share podium with like minded and like skilled people fromdifferent parts of the world! I am very thankful to Evelyn for such wonderful course structures, and well thought of contents and exercises. I will highly recommend the programs to all scrum masters who are willing to take one more step towards the excellence."

Jens Abrahamsson, from Sweden, our past A-CSM and CSP-SM graduate

"Excellent course! Love theinternational feeling with participants from different continents and thelearning from both A-CSM and CSP-SM! Thanks for offering it in a format thatmade it possible for me as a parent to a child with special needs to make myagile dreams come true without ruining my family life!"

See more testimonial: 
