• 敏捷领导力(CAL E+O / ALJ)认证培训
  • Five_reasons_five
  • Hardware-agile-practice-20231012
  • Clp_20220108
  • A-CSM 国际Scrum联盟认证 ScrumMaster
  • CSM A-CSM一站式培训
  • ShineScrum捷行出版书籍
Certification Course > Certified LeSS Practitioner
Certified LeSS Practitioner.Closed
  • 2024-03-28 ~ 30 Beijing
  • Course organizer:ShineScrum捷行
  • Date:
    2024-03-28 ~ 30, 09:00 ~ 17:30
  • City:Holiday Inn Fang Heng Beijing, Building 3, Yard 6, Wangjing Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
  • Trainer:Yi Lv
  • Price:RMB 10000/per, RMB 8500 per for early bird one month before class.
  • Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for scaling agile development to multiple teams. LeSS builds on top of the Scrum principles such as empiricism, cross-functional self-managing teams and provides a framework for applying that at scale. It provides simple structural rules and guidelines on how to adopt Scrum in large product development.
  • The Certified LeSS Practitioner course is an in-depth course covering the LeSS principles, framework and rules, and guides. It provides essential information for adopting and improving LeSS to your product development group. The course contains an overview of LeSS, stories on LeSS adoptions, exercises and extensive LeSS Q&A to ensure we discuss the topics most of interest to the participants.
  • In the day-1, we start from LeSS overview, and bring into a view of organizational design as a series of choices. Throughout the course, we shall apply systems thinking to examine those most important choices from LeSS. The focus of the first day is on one product owner and one product backlog.
  • In the day-2, we extend the topic from product backlog to product definition. We learn expanding and restraining questions to help define the product. We review the definition of done from Scrum and learn to apply it in large scale. The focus of the second day is the feature team structure, and the LeSS organization built upon feature teams.
  • In the day-3, once we have both one product owner/one product backlog and feature teams, we are ready for LeSS sprints. We examine various ways of coordination and integration across teams. We learn about the role of ScrumMasters and Managers in the LeSS organization. The focus of the third day is the LeSS adoption. We examine the principles and guides to prepare for your adoption.

Course Audience
  • This course is suitable for leaders who intend to adopt or are adopting LeSS. Leaders may be executives, managers, coaches and ScrumMasters, etc.
  • The participants should have solid understanding and practical experience about Agile and Scrum, and preferably hold CSM or the equivalent.
  • This course is with the maximum number of 20.

By successfully completing the course and the online certification test, you will receive
  • All participants will be a CLP (Certified LeSS Practitioner) and will get an account on less.works. From there they can find additional information about LeSS, share course information and stay in contact with the other course participants.
  • All participants get access to three books about LeSS.

Certificate Sample
  • Photo2_clp__


Contact Information
  • Tel:
    400 920 0024
  • Email:
  • ShineScrum捷行 (Shanghai Office)
    Room 715, 6 #, Haibin Times Building, No.368 Lushuo Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, 200052
  • ShineScrum捷行 (Beijing Office)
    Room 220, No. 7 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Day 1
  • LeSS Overview
  • Systems Thinking
  • Product Owner
  • Product Backlog
  • Day 2
  • Product Definition
  • Definition of Done
  • Feature Team and Organization
  • Case Study
  • Day 3
  • LeSS Sprint
  • Coordination and Integration
  • ScrumMaster and Manager
  • LeSS Adoption
  • Thumb_profile
    Yi Lv
    Yi Lv
    Certified LeSS Trainer, Agile Coach
    Yi Lv is living in Hangzhou, China. From late 2005, while working in Nokia Networks, he started to get acquainted with agile software development, in particular, Scrum. That turned out to be his first experience of LeSS adoption. He led a department inside that product organization and focused on developing teams and Scrum Masters to create sustainability. During the year of 2008, he also became the first Certified Scrum Trainer from China.
    As an Agile Coach, he also worked in other industries such as Internet companies. His focus has been on large-scale product development, especially helping organizations benefit from LeSS and/or its adoption. One of those experiences has been documented as a LeSS case study, Huawei - LeSS without Scrum(https://yihuode.io/articles/324).
    He has been learning and practicing systems thinking since 2009. Over the past couple of years, he wrote a series of blogs(https://blog.odd-e.com/yilv/) to help see system dynamics in organizational design and change. Why promoting systems thinking as a LeSS trainer and coach? He explained this in my view of LeSS(http://www.apple.com/). In short, he believes that LeSS opens up the stairway to a learning organization in the field of product development.